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Study of the Current Situation of Shanghai's Aluminum-Related Industry and Soil Risk Control Limits
投稿时间:2023-08-31  修订日期:2023-10-30
中文关键词:    风险管控  土壤背景  暴露参数
英文关键词:aluminium  risk management  soil background  exposure parameters
方奕 上海市环境监测中心, 上海 200232 
汤琳 上海市环境监测中心, 上海 200232 
刘丹青* 上海市环境监测中心, 上海 200232 
通讯作者:刘丹青*  上海市环境监测中心, 上海 200232  
摘要点击次数: 261
全文下载次数: 77
      The aluminum-related industry in Shanghai was selected as the research object,the production and sewage discharge links of enterprises in the aluminum-related industry were analyzed, the current aluminum pollution emission limits or environmental quality standards were sorted out, and the soil aluminum screening value based on human health risks was calculated. The results showed that there is currently no perfect standard and management system for aluminum pollution discharge in China,and the current pollution control standard has lagged behind the current scale development level of China's aluminumrelated industry,and there is no concentration limit requirement for aluminum in soil. With the development of risk management and control management level,aluminum-related environmental quality standards or pollution emission standard systems need to be established urgently. Combined with the typical characteristic parameters of the case area,considering the two possible exposure pathways of oral ingestion of surface soil and respiratory inhalation of surface soil particulate matter,it is recommended that the first type of land use screening value refer to the background value of the 7th Five-Year Plan of the city (6. 65%) or the background value of the survey area,and the second type of land use screening value is based on the health risk soil screening value(12. 5%), aiming to provide a theoretical basis for the risk management and control of aluminum in the relevant soil environment around polluting industry enterprises in the future,and provide technical support for improving the technical system of soil pollution ecological risk assessment. The migration and transformation,bioavailability and toxicity of soil aluminum are also closely related to its chemical form,and it is recommended to strengthen the research on the determination methods of different aluminum forms and the formulation of relevant control standards.
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