渭河流域陕西段农业面源污染空间分布及特征分析 |
Spatial Distribution and Characteristics Analysis of Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution in Shaanxi Section of the Weihe Basin |
投稿时间:2023-05-11 修订日期:2024-08-03 |
DOI:10.19316/j.issn.1002-6002.2024.06.13 |
中文关键词: 农业面源污染 产污系数法 等标污染负荷法 污染源 污染物排放量 排放强度 |
英文关键词:agricultural non-point source pollution pollution production coefficient method qual-standard pollution load method pollution source pollutant discharge emission intensity |
基金项目:陕西省社科基金项目(2018S08) |
通讯作者:李明万* 西安理工大学经济与管理学院, 陕西 西安 710054 |
摘要点击次数: 278 |
全文下载次数: 101 |
中文摘要: |
为探究渭河流域陕西段农业面源污染成因,明晰污染物空间分布,以精确评估区域内农业面源污染状况,采用产污系数法与等标污染负荷法核算渭河流域陕西段2021年各县(区、市)农业面源污染物化学需氧量(COD)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)的排放量、等标污染排放量和排放强度。运用自然断裂法和ArcGIS软件对农村生活、农田化肥、畜禽养殖、水产养殖4类污染源产生的污染物排放强度进行生态敏感性分析。结果表明:2021年渭河流域陕西段农业面源污染物总排放量为325.6万t,其中COD、TN、TP排放量分别为142.2万、129.1万、54.3万t;COD、TN、TP排放强度分别为2 936、2 665、1 121 kg/km2。渭河流域陕西段内各县(区、市)农业面源污染排放以农田化肥源和畜禽养殖源为主体,农业面源污染排放量的空间分布特征为从高到低、以中部县(区、市)为中心的环状分布。研究结果可为区域内农业面源污染防治提供数据支持与参考,为当地生态保护和农业产业结构调整助力。 |
英文摘要: |
This study aims to investigate the causes of agricultural non-point source pollution in Shaanxi section of the Weihe River Basin,clarify the spatial distribution of pollutants,and accurately evaluate the current situation of agricultural non-point source pollution in the region. In this paper,the pollution production coefficient method and qual-standard pollution load method were used to calculate the pollutant discharge,isostandard pollution discharge and emission intensity of agricultural non-point source pollutants in Shaanxi section of Weihe River Basin in 2021. The natural fracture method and ArcGIS software were used to analyze the ecological sensitivity of pollutant emission intensity generated by 4 types of pollution sources, namely rural life, farmland fertilizer,livestock and poultry breeding and aquaculture. The results showed that in 2021,the total emissions of agricultural nonpoint source pollutants in Shaanxi section of the Weihe River Basin was about 3. 256 million tons,included 1. 422 million tons of COD,1. 291 million tons of TN,and 0. 543 million tons of TP. The pollution intensity for COD,TN,and TP was 2936 kg /km2, 2665 kg /km2, and 1121 kg /km2, respectively. The characteristics of agricultural non-point source pollution emission in the Shaanxi section of the Weihe River basin were mainly farmland fertilizer sources,and livestock and poultry breeding sources. The pollution was spread in a circular pattern,with the highest levels near the central counties. This study can help with strategies to manage non-point source pollution in the region and guide local efforts to protect the environment and adjust agricultural practices. |
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