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Characterization of Particle Pollution Changes in Dianshan Lake Area of Shanghai and Its Possible Impact on Ozone
投稿时间:2023-05-24  修订日期:2023-11-06
中文关键词:  颗粒物  PM2.5  O3  污染特征  NO2光解速率  上海淀山湖地区
英文关键词:particles  PM2.5  O3  pollution characteristics  NO2 photolysis rate  Dianshan Lake area of Shanghai
林燕芬 上海市环境监测中心, 上海 200235 
摘要点击次数: 325
全文下载次数: 127
      基于上海淀山湖超级站2017—2021年的监测数据,系统分析了PM2.5浓度和组分、颗粒物光学散射和吸收特性的变化特征及其影响因素。结果表明:淀山湖地区PM2.5浓度逐年下降,年均下降率约为2.1%。以西北区域和本地影响为主导的天气型PM2.5改善幅度最大且具有显著年际变化趋势,年均降幅为6.1~7.8 μg/m3;而以滨海区域影响为主的天气型PM2.5改善幅度较小且变化趋势不显著。硫酸盐浓度大幅下降,但硝酸盐和二次有机组分的占比较高且处于上升趋势,PM2.5二次生成贡献愈加显著。随着PM2.5浓度的显著下降,颗粒物散射系数也呈逐年下降趋势,冬季下降率可达30.6%,在4个季节里下降幅度最大,但吸收系数则无明显改善。初步评估颗粒物对O3和NO2光解速率的影响发现,吸收性颗粒物对O3生成起抑制作用,散射性颗粒物与O3之间的相关性则存在季节差异。具体来说,冬春季O3受“气溶胶抑制机制”影响,夏秋季节两者呈正相关的协同污染特征,其影响因素可能包括季节间的颗粒物不同来源,太阳天顶角的变化以及颗粒物散射效应对近地面光化辐射通量的影响差异。夏秋季J (NO2)与PM2.5呈正相关,进一步验证了太阳辐射较强时,颗粒物浓度增加可能使多次散射效应增强,增加光化辐射通量,有利于J (NO2)升高和O3生成的推论。
      Based on the monitoring data measured at Dianshan Lake Superstation during 2017-2021, this study systematically analyzed the characteristics of PM2.5 concentration and composition, optical scattering and absorption properties of particles, as well as their influencing factors in Dianshan Lake area of Shanghai. The results showed that the PM2.5 concentration in Dianshan Lake area decreased year by year, with an average annual decrease rate of 2. 1% ; the weather patterns dominated by the northwestern region and local influences had the largest improvement rate and showed significant interannual trends, with an average annual reduction rate of 6. 1-7. 8 μg /m3 in PM2.5,while the weather patterns dominated by the coastal area had a smaller reduction rate with insignificant trend. Sulfate decreased significantly, but the proportion of nitrate and secondary organic components was high and increasing, indicating a more significant contribution of secondary formation to PM2.5. With the significant decrease of PM2.5 concentration, the scattering coefficient of particulate matter showed a decreasing trend, and the decreasing rate in winter was up to 30. 6% per year,which was the largest decrease in the four seasons. However,the absorption coefficient did not show significant improvement. The study also evaluated the impact of particle optical properties on O3,as well as PM2.5 concentration on NO2 photolysis rate. It was found that absorbing particles had an inhibitory effect on O3 generation,but the correlation between scattering particles and O3 varies with seasons: in winter and spring, O3 was affected by the “ aerosol inhibition mechanism”,while in summer and autumn, scattering particles and O3 were positively correlated. The reasons of the discrepancy might be related to different sources of particles in different seasons,changes in solar zenith angle,and the impact of particle scattering on near-surface photochemical radiation flux. The positive correlation between J(NO2) and PM2.5 in summer and fall further verified the inference that the increase in particle concentration may enhance the multiple scattering effect and increase the photochemical radiation flux in favor of J(NO2) elevation and O3 generation when solar radiation is stronger.
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