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Variation Trend and Pollution Characteristics of Ambient Air Quality in Sichuan Province from 2015 to 2022
投稿时间:2023-04-08  修订日期:2024-05-28
中文关键词:  四川省  空气质量  变化趋势  污染特征  空间分布  成因分析
英文关键词:Sichuan Province  air quality  variation trend  pollution characteristics  spatial distribution  cause analysis
母康生 四川省生态环境监测总站, 四川 成都 610091 
蒋燕* 四川省生态环境监测总站, 四川 成都 610091 
饶芝菡 四川省生态环境监测总站, 四川 成都 610091 
罗洪艳 四川省生态环境监测总站, 四川 成都 610091 
张菁 四川省生态环境监测总站, 四川 成都 610091 
陈江凌 四川省生态环境监测总站, 四川 成都 610091 
罗小靖 四川省生态环境监测总站, 四川 成都 610091 
俸强 四川省生态环境监测总站, 四川 成都 610091 
通讯作者:蒋燕*  四川省生态环境监测总站, 四川 成都 610091  
摘要点击次数: 306
全文下载次数: 100
      利用四川省2015—2022年环境空气污染物浓度监测数据,分析全省空气质量变化趋势及污染特征。结果表明:2015—2022年,全省环境空气质量整体明显改善,除O3-8 h第90百分位数呈上升趋势外,其余5项污染物呈下降趋势或无明显变化;与2015年相比,2022年O3-8 h第90百分位数升高20%,PM2.5、PM10、SO2、CO、NO2浓度分别降低26.2%、28.4%、50%、28.6%和14.8%。除2015—2017年PM2.5浓度超国家二级标准外,其余年份各指标均达标;优良天数比例为83.8%~90.7%,呈波动上升趋势,重污染天数逐年减少。PM2.5、PM10(冬季>春季>秋季>夏季)、NO2、CO[冬季>春季(秋季)>夏季]、O3(夏季>春季>秋季>冬季)浓度季节变化规律较明显,SO2无明显变化规律。环境空气污染形势由2015—2017年的PM2.5主导阶段向2018—2022年PM2.5和O3复合污染阶段转变;PM2.5超标日主要出现在冬季(12月至次年1月),O3超标日主要出现在夏季(6—8月),春季(3—5月) O3超标情况不容忽视;超标日O3低位轻度污染(161~175 μg/m3)和PM2.5低位轻度污染(76~85 μg/m3)占比分别为49.8%和39.9%,消除O3低位轻度污染可大幅提升全省优良天数比例,但降低PM2.5浓度消除低位轻度污染的边际效应较低。2015—2022年PM2.5污染月份分布范围呈逐年收窄并向冬季集中,O3污染月份跨度整体呈扩大趋势并向春季扩展。PM2.5和O3浓度空间分布整体呈“东高西低”的特征,且PM2.5高值范围逐年缩小、浓度空间分布趋于均匀,O3高值范围逐年扩大。通过典型污染过程分析,四川盆地夏季O3污染主要受前体物VOCs排放和高温低湿的不利气象条件影响,冬季PM2.5污染主要受静风、逆温等不利气象条件影响,同时叠加前体物二次转化影响。持续推动污染物总量减排、调整并优化产业结构和能源消费结构等政策措施的实施是环境空气质量大幅改善的重要原因。
      Based on the environmental monitoring data of air pollutant in Sichuan from 2015 to 2022,the variation trend and pollution characteristics of air quality were analyzed.The results indicated that from 2015 to 2022,the air quality of Sichuan had improved significantly,except for O3,which showed an increasing trend,the other 5 pollutants showed a decreasing trend or no significant change.Compared with that of 2015,the 90 th percentile of O3-8 h increased by 20% in 2022,while PM2.5,PM10,SO2,CO and NO2 decreased by 26.2%,28.4%,50%,28.6% and 14.8% respectively.In addition to the 2015-2017 PM2.5 failed to meet national air standards,the other years all pollutants met it.The average percentage of days meeting air quality standard was 83.8%-90.7%,showing a fluctuating increasing trend,and the number of days under heavy pollution and above decreased year by year.The concentration of PM2.5,PM10 showed a clear seasonal variation with high values in winter and spring and low values in autumn and summer,and NO2,CO with high values in winter and low values in summer,and O3 with high values in summer and spring and low values in autumn and winter,while the concentration of SO2 showed no obvious seasonal variation.The ambient air pollution situation had changed from the leading stage of PM2.5 in 2015-2017 to the combined pollution stage of PM2.5 and O3 in 2018-2022.The amount of nonattainment days of PM2.5 mainly occurred in winter (from December to January),and the O3 mainly occurred in summer (from June to August),and the amount of nonattainment days of O3 in spring (from March to May) could not be ignored.The average percentage of low-level O3 light pollution (161-175 μg/m3) and low-level PM2.5 light pollution (76-85 μg/m3) in nonattainment days was 49.8% and 39.9% respectively.Eliminating low-level O3 light pollution could greatly improve the average percentage of attainment days,but the marginal effect of reducing PM2.5 concentration to eliminate low-level light pollution was low.From 2015 to 2022,the monthly distribution range of PM2.5 nonattainment days narrowed year by year and concentrated in winter,while the O3 generally expanded and expanded to spring.The spatial distribution of PM2.5 and O3 showed the pollution characteristics of "high values in the east and low values in the west".The range of spatial distribution narrowed greatly of PM2.5 high concentration values and tended to be uniform,and the range of O3 expanded year by year.According to the analysis of typical pollution processes,O3 pollution in the Sichuan Basin in summer was usually affected by precursor VOCs emission and occurred under dry and high temperature conditions,while PM2.5 pollution in winter was usually affected by adverse meteorological condition such as calm wind and inversion layer,and was aggravated by secondary transformation of precursor.Influenced by the total emission reduction of pollutants,adjust and optimize the industrial structure and energy consumption structure,and other factors,the air quality had a significant improvement.
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