石家庄臭氧时空分布特征及潜在源分析 |
Spatial and Temporal Distribution Characteristics and Potential Sources of Ozone in Shijiazhuang City |
投稿时间:2023-04-10 修订日期:2023-07-01 |
DOI:10.19316/j.issn.1002-6002.2024.04.07 |
中文关键词: 石家庄 臭氧 时空分布 空间自相关 后向轨迹 |
英文关键词:Shijiazhuang ozone spatial and temporal distribution spatial autocorrelation backward trajectory |
基金项目:河北省重点研发项目(21374001D) |
通讯作者:肖捷颖* 河北科技大学环境科学与工程学院, 河北 石家庄 050018 |
摘要点击次数: 824 |
全文下载次数: 712 |
中文摘要: |
基于2020—2021年石家庄市261个环境空气质量自动监测站监测数据,利用反距离加权插值法、空间自相关法以及后向轨迹模型,分析研究区臭氧超标率、时空分布特征、内部聚集状态与来源。结果表明:与2020年相比,2021年石家庄各县(市、区)臭氧超标率均有不同程度的下降,其中行唐县下降幅度最大。臭氧浓度月变化呈倒“V”形,夏季浓度最高,其次是春季和秋季,冬季最低。研究区臭氧空间分布呈中西部高、东部低的特征。2020年,研究区臭氧超标严重,中西部区域多数点位超过了190 μg/m3,其余点位超过了160 μg/m3;2021年,除个别监测点位臭氧浓度高于190 μg/m3外,研究区中西部地区臭氧浓度出现下降,东部地区多数点位臭氧浓度低于160 μg/m3。后向轨迹分析结果显示,臭氧污染气团主要源于位于研究区东北方向的保定、正南方向的邢台以及西北方向的忻州。臭氧在污染气团传输过程中不断积累,导致其浓度偏高。潜在污染源范围与浓度权重轨迹范围基本一致,潜在源区的污染贡献相对较小。通过对2020年与2021年石家庄市臭氧浓度变化进行分析可知,研究区臭氧污染正在逐渐减轻,臭氧污染管控工作的重点应放在夏季,同时应注重对研究区正南方向和东北方向城市的污染传输加强管控。 |
英文摘要: |
Based on the monitoring data from 261 ambient air quality automatic monitoring stations in Shijiazhuang from 2020 to 2021,the inverse distance weighted interpolation method, spatial autocorrelation and backward trajectory model were used to analyse the frequency of ozone exceedances in the study area,the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and the ozone aggregation status and sources within the study area. The results showed that compared with 2020,the rate of ozone exceeding the standard in Shijiazhuang counties in 2021 had decreased to varying degrees, among which Xingtang County had the largest decline. The monthly variation of ozone concentration was inverted “V” shape,with the highest concentration in summer,followed by spring and autumn,and the lightest in winter. Spatial distribution of ozone in the study area was characterized by high in the central and western regions and low in the eastern. In 2020, the ozone concentration in the study area exceeded the standard seriously,most of the central and western regions exceeded 190 μg/m3, and the rest exceeded 160 μg/m3. In 2021,except for a few monitoring sites with ozone concentration higher than 190 μg/m3, athe ozone concentration in the central and western regions of the study area decreased,and the ozone concentration in most sites in the eastern region was lower than 160 μg/m3. The results of backward trajectory analysis show that the ozone pollution air mass mainly comes from Baoding in the northeast of the study area,Xingtai in the south and Xinzhou in the northwest. Ozone accumulates in the air mass transmission, resulting in high concentration. The potential pollution sources are basically consistent with the concentration weight trajectory range, and the contribution of potential source area pollution is relatively small. Through the analysis of ozone concentration changes in 2020 and 2021,it can be seen that the ozone pollution in the study area has gradually reduced,and ozone pollution control should focus on summer,and the control of pollutant sources in the south and northeast cities of the study area should be strengthened. |
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