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Development and Application of Automatic Dust Fall Monitoring System in Shanghai
投稿时间:2022-10-13  修订日期:2023-12-22
中文关键词:  降尘  自动监测  电子天平  称重传感器
英文关键词:dust fall  automatic monitoring  electronic balance  the weighing sensor
徐捷 上海市环境监测中心, 上海 200235 
罗德平 上海自动化仪表研究院有限公司, 上海 200233 
摘要点击次数: 756
全文下载次数: 615
      The amount of atmospheric dust fall is one of the important environmental indicators. The amount of dust fall can objectively reflect and evaluate the level of fugitive dust pollution in local urban areas. It is of great significance to evaluate the environmental air quality in urban areas and analyze the sources and changes of air pollution. Traditional manual monitoring methods are widely used for atmospheric dust fall monitoring at home and abroad. Because of its poor timeliness,low efficiency, large energy consumption,difficult quality control,large error and other reasons,manual methods can not met the needs of modern environmental management. With the development of technology and network,automatic monitoring method has become a trend. This paper mainly describes the research and development process and practical application of automatic dust monitoring technology in Shanghai,introduces the principle,key technology and system composition of the self-developed automatic dust fall monitoring instrument. The precision,accuracy,relative error and applicability of the automatic monitoring method of dust fall are analyzed through the experiment in the dust chamber,the comparison test between the automatic monitoring method of dust fall and the manual weight method,and the pilot application for one year. The application prospect of automatic monitoring of dust fall is also discussed.
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