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Analysis of Ozone Formation Sensitivity and Meteorological Drivers in Typical Ecological Functional Areas:A Case Study of the Qiandao Lake Area
投稿时间:2022-07-05  修订日期:2022-09-09
中文关键词:  千岛湖地区  TROPOMI  臭氧(O3)  挥发性有机物(VOCs)  氮氧化物(NOx)
英文关键词:the Qiandao Lake  TROPOMI  O3  VOCs  NOx
余传冠 杭州市生态环境局淳安分局, 浙江 杭州 311799 
刘旭 河北农业大学理工系, 河北 沧州 061108 
宋美真 杭州市生态环境局淳安分局, 浙江 杭州 311799 
蒋晓婷 杭州市生态环境局淳安分局, 浙江 杭州 311799 
刘雨姗 河北农业大学理工系, 河北 沧州 061108 
刘雪倩 河北农业大学理工系, 河北 沧州 061108 
李达 河北农业大学理工系, 河北 沧州 061108 
李欣怡 河北农业大学理工系, 河北 沧州 061108 
王子鹏 河北农业大学理工系, 河北 沧州 061108 
潘玉青 河北农业大学理工系, 河北 沧州 061108 
李鹏飞* 河北农业大学理工系, 河北 沧州 061108 
通讯作者:李鹏飞*  河北农业大学理工系, 河北 沧州 061108  
摘要点击次数: 754
全文下载次数: 398
      千岛湖地区是我国重要的自然保护区,属于典型生态功能区。当前,臭氧(O3)正频繁成为影响千岛湖地区空气质量的首要污染物,但对于与此相关的千岛湖地区O3生成敏感性,研究人员目前仍未了解清楚。利用2019—2021年TROPOMI卫星观测数据,运用O3生成敏感性指示剂方法,即甲醛对流层垂直柱浓度和二氧化氮对流层垂直柱浓度的比值(FNR),量化解析了千岛湖地区O3生成敏感区的时空演化特征。结果表明,千岛湖地区FNR呈现逐年升高趋势,且显著高于杭州市主城区。千岛湖地区氮氧化物(NOx)控制区逐年扩张,自2019年开始,由西南向东北逐步蔓延。截至2021年,NOx控制区已基本覆盖整个千岛湖地区。千岛湖地区O3生成敏感区在夏季基本属于NOx控制区,在其他季节属于NOx控制区或协同控制区。结合气象再分析数据发现,FNR与温度呈强正相关(r=0.8),与相对湿度呈较弱正相关,与风速和云液态水含量呈较弱负相关。当温度大于7.0 ℃、风速小于6.2 m/s、云液态水含量小于5.5×10-5 g/m3、相对湿度大于57.5%时,O3生成趋向于受NOx控制。此外,与杭州市相比,千岛湖地区O3生成对气象参数变化更为敏感。研究成果对我国典型生态功能区O3污染防控具有重要的启示作用。
      The region of the Qiandao Lake is a significant natural reserve in China,representing a typical ecological functional zone,in which ozone (O3) frequently becomes the primary air pollutant.However,the O3 formation sensitivity therein remains unclear.Using the TROPOMI measurements coupled with the O3 formation indicators,i.e.,the ratio (FNR) of formaldehyde and nitrogen dioxide tropospheric vertical columns,the spatiotemporal characteristics of the O3 formation sensitivity regimes in the region of the Qiandao Lake from 2019 to 2021 were quantitatively investigated.The results showed that the FNR values in the region of the Qiandao Lake increased year by year and were significantly higher than those in downtown Hangzhou.On this basis,the NOx-limited regime in the Qiandao Lake area expanded year by year,starting from 2019,it gradually spread from the southwest to the northeast and had basically covered the Qiandao Lake area by 2021.In summer,the O3 formation in the Qiandao Lake was typically NOx-limited,while,in other seasons,that was limited by VOCs-NOx or NOx.By introducing meteorological reanalysis data,we found that FNR had a strong positive correlation with temperature (r=0.8),a weak positive correlation with relative humidity,and a weak negative correlation with wind speed and cloud liquid water content.When the temperature was higher than 7.0 ℃,the wind speed was less than 6.2 m/s,the cloud liquid water content was less than 5.5 × 10-5 g/m3,and the relative humidity was greater than 57.5%,the O3 formation tended to be NOx-limited.In addition,compared with the O3 formation in Hangzhou,that in the Qiandao Lake region was more sensitive to meteorological parameters.Our results have important implications for O3 pollution mitigation in typical ecological functional zones in China.
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