基于自动站资料的深圳灰霾特征对比分析 |
Comparative Analysis of Haze Characteristics Based on Automatic Station in Shenzhen |
投稿时间:2012-05-08 修订日期:2012-11-29 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 城郊灰霾 日变化 吸湿增长 |
英文关键词:haze diurnal variation moisture absorption growth |
基金项目:广东省气象局科技项目(2012B29) |
通讯作者:张丽* 深圳市国家气候观象台, 广东 深圳 518040 |
摘要点击次数: 10333 |
全文下载次数: 816 |
中文摘要: |
利用深圳自动气象站的气象要素和深圳大气成分监测系统采集的大气成分数据,分析了深圳城区和郊区灰霾季节变化、日变化差异和不同风向下污染物浓度差异,结果表明,城区由于人类活动频繁导致灰霾日比郊区多,以轻微灰霾偏多为主。秋、冬季城区冷空气活动频繁、能源消耗大,灰霾出现频率是郊区的1~2倍;春季冷空气和海上暖湿气流容易形成对峙,沿海颗粒物更容易吸湿增长,郊区灰霾频率反而比城区高25%;夏季对流强、降水频密,城郊差异最小。城区灰霾频率受早晚交通高峰期影响,日变化呈双峰型。而郊区受太阳辐射和光化学反应影响大,呈单峰型。偏北风条件下污染物浓度明显升高,偏南风带来的清洁空气使得颗粒物浓度降幅明显。 |
英文摘要: |
According to meteorological data and atmospheric composition data from Shenzhen automatic meteorological stations and atmospheric composition monitoring system, seasonal and diurnal variations and pollutant concentration under the different wind directions were analyzed in urban and suburban areas, results show that: Generally, due to frequent human activity, urban haze days were higher than the suburban, especially slight haze. In autumn and winter, urban haze frequency is from 1 to 2 times more than the suburb, because of active cold airflows and large energy consumption. In spring, cold air and warm-moist air flows were easy to confront, so it was easier for coastal particles absorbing moisture to growth, causing suburban haze time was 25% higher than the urban. In summer, strong convection and frequent rainfall make urban and suburb haze times minimize different. There are two peaks in urban haze diurnal variations, which influenced by morning and evening rush hours. While the suburban diurnal variations has single-peak, influenced by solar radiation and photochemical reaction. Northerly wind with pollutant transport is an important source of particles in Shenzhen, Southerly wind with clean air make particle concentration obvious reduction. |
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